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Film & Friends - Belgium 2021


Film & Friends - Belgium 2021 - 1 spot available*

Oct 1-3, 2021

For the past several years Jan and I had the pleasure of hosting some wonderful destination film shooting workshops. While it has been lots of fun to travel to beautiful places to teach, we thought it would be fun to do something for a smaller group of people closer to home, at home in fact (as well as some location shooting in the surrounding area).

We’re pleased to announce a new workshop hosted at the home of Jan and Stephanie just outside of Brussels, Belgium. Teaching and shooting at home with a small group will give us the opportunity to do something that has always felt lacking when teaching about shooting film. We will finally have the chance to shoot, develop, scan edit and share film work all the same event. Teaching about metering, camera and film selection will now be accompanied by being able to see the results together.

This 2 day workshop will focus on the following:

Spot metering - Learning how to set your exposure to take the guess work out of shooting film.

Film selection - We will present work from various film types and explain why we use certain films for certain situations or to achieve a specific look.

Working with a lab and/or developing and scanning your own work - Finally we will have the chance to develop and scan some of the film from the workshop the same day to see your results and get feedback. We will also be covering working with a film lab to get the results you want.

Choosing the right camera type for you - A great thing about teaching from Jan’s home is the variety of cameras we will have accessible. Usually at the traveling workshops Jan and I are limited to 1 or 2 cameras each but at home we will have the ability to demonstrate various cameras and formats.

Large format photography - Jan has both 4x5 and 8x10 cameras and will demonstrate working with them.

Using simple and familiar spaces to create beautiful work - Jan has made so many beautiful images around his home. I had the chance to shoot there a few times on my last trip. We look forward to creating images with you at Jan and Stephanie’s as well as some location shooting in the surrounding area.

Directing and collaborating with a model to create unique personal work - It has always been a challenge to demonstrate how we work and help students on an individual basis when teaching to a large group. This small class will enable us to do just that. In addition to our shoot demonstrations each student will have the opportunity for 1 on 1 instruction and solo shooting time with the models.

Editing film scans - The goal is to get the image as right as possible in camera, but we will demonstrate what editing techniques we use to get our film scans looking like we want them to.

Printing your work - Printing your work creates a tangible connection to it. Showing people prints is way better than handing them a phone. You will receive some small prints of your work to share with the group and to keep.

Drinking wine - Some of my favorite workshop moments have been just sharing a meal together and talking about life and art. Also dinner is a great time to drink wine if you are so inclined.

A very rough outline of the days:

Oct 1 -

17:00 - Meet and greet. Share some drinks get to know each other.

Oct 2 -

09:00 - 17:00 - Workshop. Instruction, Location shooting etc.

17:00 - 18:00 - Drinks and snacks.

Oct 3 -

10:00 - 16:00 - Developing & scanning film. Shooting around the house. Q&A

Also included:

A selection of your own work printed to share with each other as well as some prints from Ryan and Jan.

A Portrait of you done by both Jan and Ryan

CURRENTLY 1 spot available.

1500 Euro

Please email to book or inquire about future workshops.

August 19

rYan Human Workshop - NYC, NY

November 27

Copenhagen 1 Day Workshop